
Sunday, 9 June 2013

30 things to do before I'm 30...

This week it was my 29th birthday, and as I creep ever closer to 30, I thought it would be nice to come up with 30 things that I would like to have done before this time next year.

1. Learn how to take better photographs.
2. Learn a second language.
3. Sew an outfit.
4. Send a book I have written off to publishers.
5. Get fit, thin and healthy.
6. Make something to sell and give money made to charity.

7. Write a book of nursery rhymes or poems for my baby boy William.
8. Try eating fish.
9. Throw a themed party for friends for no reason.
10. Enter a competition and win something.
11. Make a kite and fly it.
12. Stop wearing my hair down everyday- find some nice updo styles - try a new one once a week.

13. Put together a family cookbook.
14. Take a disposable barbecue and have a barbecue away from the home (Ladybower reservoir).
15. Have a beach picnic.
16. Regularly go and have girly time with family and friends.
17. Have regular date nights and find a favourite local restaurant.
18. Take a photo every day of the year.

19. Do a piece of art once a week.
20. Solve a rubik's cube.
21. Learn a new word each week.
22. Have a national themed meal and evening once a month.
23. Make family beach footprint casts.
24. Make a time lapse video of William.

25. See Stonehenge.
26. Do something nice for a random stranger.
27. Keep a plant alive and make my garden pretty.
28. Find nice recipes so you can eat green veg.
29. Watch top 30 movies on IMDB.
30. Create a jar and place notes in of all the good things that happen throughout the year to open next year on your birthday.

Okay so I'm not sure how ambitious this will be, but my theory is even if I only do half it should be fun! I'll keep you updated as to how I get on crossing things off my list.


  1. This looks like a great list! Maybe you could do a monthly update to let us know how you're getting on, and as a reminder to yourself to keep thinking about them.

    Lucy x The New Northerner

  2. Yeah that's a great idea! Hopefully that will motivate me! I've bought an SLR camera, been reading some photography books and taken lots of pictures, so I've made a start!
