
Monday, 24 June 2013

My weekly sketch...Sewing

My weekly sketch, of things I love, this week is...Sewing. There is nothing so satisfying in life as creating something. I love the feeling of having made a gift with my own fair hands. For my wedding, I made hand embroidered stockings for the guests staying in the hotel and filled them with treats. My brother got a cushion one year for his birthday and my sister-in-law a tote bag. To be honest, I do not know who gets the most pleasure out of these things. (Well in the case of my brother I have never seen the cushion again...) When I first got my sewing machine as a gift from my parents one birthday, it was my sister who saw her opportunity to utilise this and redecorate her home. We made blinds (unfortunately they didn't fit the window - note to self do not let sister use a tape measure!), curtains and pillowcases all in the first weekend. My initial fervour dwindled and sewing is a more sporadic hobby these days. I really want to take to the sewing machine once more and get creative.

I love starting a new sewing project, and sometimes I finish them. I have a huge collection of abandoned projects. I have three half-finished patchwork quilts alone. I am going to try and finish some of these. My husband rolls his eyes when I come home with fabric, as he feels, as I've got three huge boxes of it that I may already have enough. He is wrong! Who knows when you might need to make something in a hurry? Or when inspiration will strike? Or some other form of fabric emergency?! Okay so he may have a point, but we wont let him know that. I think it is time to start using that material. 

What are your favourite sewing projects?

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