
Thursday, 29 August 2013

Fun baby photo ideas and tips....

My little boy is just 4 months old and I have already taken thousands of photos of him. I love taking fun and imaginative pictures of my little man. I'm hoping he won't look back and be too horrified! I appreciate that  I am a complete amateur at photography, but here's some of my favourite fun photo ideas that would be simple for you to recreate.

baby playing scrabble
We love scrabble so I created this to send to my hubby to cheer him up in work!

scrabble baby
Again utilising the scrabble tiles!
superman baby
He came up with this pose on his own then I just did a simple background in paint.

baby reading
Love this one. We love Fox in Socks.

A good way to remember the books you read to them as a baby.

Also here's some of my top tips for taking pictures of your bundles of joy...

I love plain backgrounds in photos so stand next to plain walls or throw down a blanket.

Try to get pictures from all angles  (I'm getting better for this, but when you are on your own snapping the easiest is with them laying on their back.).

Take pictures of all their tiny features (their tiny hands and feet will never be this small again)

Taken by my sister 

Taken by my sister 

Taken by my sister 

The great thing about digital cameras is you can snap away and then just ditch the ones that don't quite come out right. It's the best way to capture their funny gestures and first smiles. Why take one picture when you can take thirty?

You can never get too close up to those chubby cheeks...

I have so many ideas of other photos I would like to take! I can't wait until he's able to sit up by himself and the fun can really begin. 

Do you have any suggestions of photos to take?